Celebrating National Book Lovers Day with Mom’s Choice Awards

Kelly Mahaffy

Kelly Mahaffy
Content Director at Mom’s Choice Awards

National Book Lovers Day, celebrated on August 9th, is the perfect occasion to dive into the world of books and celebrate the joy of reading. For families looking to make this day special, Mom’s Choice Awards® (MCA) offers a treasure trove of award-winning books that have been recognized for their quality, educational value, and family-friendly content. Here’s how you can celebrate National Book Lovers Day with MCA:

1. Create a Reading Nook

Start by setting up a cozy reading nook in your home. This could be a corner of the living room, a spot by the window, or even a small tent filled with comfy pillows and blankets. Make it a space where your family can escape into the magical world of books.

2. Explore MCA Award-Winning Books

Mom’s Choice Awards® recognizes the best in family-friendly media, products, and services. Explore their list of award-winning books, which includes a wide range of genres and age-appropriate reads. From picture books for toddlers to engaging novels for older children, there’s something for everyone.

3. Host a Family Reading Marathon

Set aside a few hours for a family reading marathon. Choose a selection of MCA award-winning books and take turns reading aloud. This not only promotes bonding but also helps improve children’s listening and comprehension skills.

4. Organize a Book Swap

Invite friends and neighbors over for a book swap. Each family can bring a few of their favorite books to exchange. This is a great way to discover new reads and share beloved stories. Make sure to include some MCA award-winning titles in the mix!

5. Book-Themed Crafts and Activities

Engage your children with book-themed crafts and activities. After reading an MCA award-winning book, encourage them to draw their favorite scene, create a puppet show, or even write a short story inspired by the book. This fosters creativity and a deeper connection to the stories.

6. Virtual Author Meet-and-Greet

Check if any authors of MCA award-winning books are hosting virtual meet-and-greet sessions or book readings. Participating in these events can provide a unique and memorable experience for your children, allowing them to interact with their favorite authors and learn more about the writing process.

7. Create a Family Book Club

Start a family book club and choose an MCA award-winning book to read together. Set a schedule for discussions and activities related to the book. This encourages critical thinking and allows for meaningful conversations about the themes and messages in the story.

8. Donate Books to a Local Library or School

In the spirit of National Book Lovers Day, consider donating a few MCA award-winning books to your local library or school. Sharing the joy of reading with others is a wonderful way to celebrate this special day and promote literacy in your community.

9. Storytime Picnic

Pack a picnic and head to a local park or your backyard for a storytime picnic. Bring along some MCA award-winning books and enjoy reading in the great outdoors. This combination of fresh air and engaging stories makes for a delightful experience.

10. Reflect and Share

At the end of the day, take some time to reflect on the books you’ve read and share your thoughts with each other. Discuss your favorite characters, plot twists, and lessons learned. This reflection reinforces the joy of reading and the bonds created through shared stories.

National Book Lovers Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the love of reading with your family. By incorporating Mom’s Choice Awards® books into your celebrations, you ensure that the stories you explore are not only enjoyable but also of the highest quality. So, gather your family, pick up an MCA award-winning book, and embark on a literary adventure that will create cherished memories for years to come.

Kelly MahaffyAbout Kelly Mahaffy

Kelly Mahaffy is a seasoned professional passionate about empowering families through quality content. As the Content Director at Mom’s Choice Awards, Kelly oversees the strategic development and curation of educational and entertaining content aimed at parents and caregivers. With a background in marketing and a deep understanding of the needs of modern families, Kelly is dedicated to providing valuable resources and insights to support families in their journey of raising happy, healthy children.

View all posts by Kelly Mahaffy here.



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8 Comments on “Celebrating National Book Lovers Day with Mom’s Choice Awards”

  1. I love this!! I definitely need to create a book nook. Kyla likes to read (she is 13), Kamyle LOVES to read (she’s 10) and Kaelyn is learning to read (she’s 5).

  2. A book is like a friend, it teaches us life lessons, opens our minds to different subjects and can give us inspiration.

  3. I always believed reading to children helps them grow. I always read books to and with my children. Now I will with my grandchildren.

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