Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Janice Spina

Mom’s Choice Awards is excited to announce another post in our interview series where we chat with the inventors, designers, publishers, and others behind some of our favorite family-friendly products.

Welcome, Mom’s Choice readers! Today we had a chance to get with Janice Spina, a woman who’s had multiple careers and—luckily for us all—finally had time to pursue her first love: writing! She published her first book in 2014—and now can boast an astonishing 46 titles. The first three books in her Gateskin Chronicles series are MCA Gold award-winners. Today we’ll be hearing about her Gateskin Chronicles books and why children love them so much.

MCA: We’re honored to have you with us today, Janice. Please, tell us about yourself.

I am a retired administrative secretary from a school system in Methuen, Massachusetts, where I worked for 26 years. Before this position I was a medical secretary and worked as a secretary/assistant in doctors’ offices, which I enjoyed but could not continue once I began having a family. The hours were not conducive to my schedule as a mother while the school system was. I have two children now grown and five grandchildren, three stepchildren, three step-grandchildren and two step-great-grandchildren. My husband, John, and I have been married for 25 years. He is also my illustrator and cover creator and my staunchest supporter.

I’ve always loved writing. I began with poetry in the form of greeting cards and branched out into children’s stories when I was in my twenties. I wrote my first novel for 18+ in my 30s and other genres followed well into my 60s. Many of my books are dedicated to my children, grandchildren, and pets I have had or to other children I have met. I also blog, copy edit other authors’ work, and support my fellow authors by reading and reviewing their books and posting their interviews and reviews on my blog.

Publishing all my books came later, after I retired from work. That is when I became more serious about my passion to write. At first, I didn’t know if I was going to be bored, but once I began to spend more time writing I knew I had found what I would do in my retirement. I haven’t stopped since, with 46 published books at this time and two more in the works.

My business is Jemsbooks, bearing the motto: Reading Gives You Wings to Fly! My books have won multiple awards for which I am grateful, especially for these three Gold Medals from Mom’s Choice Awards.

When I am not working on a new book, I love to crochet and have crocheted many afghans, baby sets, pillows and (amigurumis) animals for family and friends. I also enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles when I find the time and sewing different items for gifts. I manage to exercise, hula hoop, sing and tap dance when I can. I sang with a choral group—part of the Sweet Adelines International—for a short time. I was also a hula hoop queen when I was younger, but not so much now.

I do hope to continue to create stories for all ages for as long as I can, God willing.

MCA: Congratulations on your considerable output—46 books to date! Could you identify any specific motivators on your path to becoming a writer?

It hasn’t been easy to get myself out there with my books. I started a blog and signed up for social media after being coached by an artist I met while on vacation in Aruba. This artist guided me in the right directions to help me get acclimated. I am an indie author and publish through Amazon. With the myriad books on this site, it is difficult at times to keep my head above water, so to speak. I am but a grain of sand on the beach of books.

I began writing when I was nine years old creating greeting cards for my mother on her birthday and Mother’s Day. She was so supportive of my efforts that I still write my own cards on occasion to this day. She inspired me to continue to do what I love—writing. She is no longer with us, but I now am inspired by children to keep writing—to provide them with fun and entertaining stories to help foster a love of reading in them that will last a lifetime and hopefully encourage them to become readers and thinkers of tomorrow.

MCA: How wonderful to start at such a young age. Can you share your inspiration for writing the Gateskin Chronicles book series?

Fantasy is what many people are now reading. That inspired me to try my hand at it since I have tried many other genres already. I found it exhilarating to create characters, creatures and magic. I am a “pantser”—I write by the seat of my pants. This means that I do not do an outline but allow the characters to tell me their stories and let the story flow. I am just along for the ride, and what a ride it can be! I never know how the story will end until it does. There will be three more books in this series, as long as my muse and characters are willing to share their stories with me.

MCA: Please provide a brief synopsis of each book and indicate what ages they’re geared toward.

These books are geared for young adults age 15+ but I’m sure younger children would enjoy them too. I know that adults are loving them.

The Legend of the Taken Ones: Gateskin Chronicles Book 1

This book begins the tale of the Province of Noella, the different lands there and the rulers and their struggles to keep peace and their peoples safe. The main characters are King Wizard Gateskin, his wife Queen Fairy Solinara, and their three powerful children, Serena, Simon, Catalina, along with their friend, a tree Sprite named Spindle, who go on adventures wrought with danger.

The Unknown Territory: Gateskin Chronicles Book 2

The story centers on the Unknown Territory surrounding the villages, the creatures that appear good or evil, and how King Gateskin keeps the Province safe from the dangers that keep invading the villages. There are constant struggles with King Kaposkaran and his Queen Beregina from Parotovina, the Land of Darkness, who use dark magic against the other lands and continually threaten the rest of lands.

Search for the Medallion: Gateskin Chronicles Book 3

This story is about a Medallion that holds dark and dangerous powers. It was buried in the village of Sovorotskina many years ago and is now being sought by different people who are from a far-away island. Some new creatures, dragons, are introduced who are controlled by their mistresses and assist King Gateskin in searching for the Medallion before someone else finds it and uses to harm others.

MCA: What are some of the key lessons found in the books?

All my books for children and MG/PT/YA have life lessons. This series is no exception. Family matters is the central theme and good always overpowers evil. Love and acceptance are also important to my characters. Young adult / middle grade.

MCA: What do you hope readers will take away from your books?

It’s such a wonderful feeling to love what you do. I hope that some of that love spills over into my books. I want readers to close my books at the end and leave with a positive and happy feeling of satisfaction that propels them to reach for more.

I hope my readers will enjoy my stories and see that I put my heart and soul into my work as I strive to encourage all ages to read.

MCA: Can you share any memorable moments or feedback from readers that have touched you or reinforced the impact of your work?

I have received some wonderful reviews on Amazon that have lifted my spirits. It is disheartening to receive any negative feedback, which so far I have been fortunate not to receive. I hope I don’t jinx myself now.

Here are some excerpts from readers:

“This is not my normal genre, but I was mesmerized. The characters are beautifully detailed, and the plot is captivating. The Legend of the Taken Ones: Gateskin Chronicles, Book 1 is a five-star book!” (Book 1)

“The book is filled with memorable characters and suspenseful situations. It definitely cast a “spell” on me that kept me absorbed until the very last page! Can’t wait for the next episode of the Gateskin Chronicles!” (Book 2)

“There are both good and evil characters and creatures with powers to do harm or good. The author’s creativity is nothing short of amazing. Though the Gateskin Chronicles are intended for the 13-17-year-old audience, I can attest that adults will also enjoy them.” (Book 3)

MCA: What do you find most rewarding about the writing process? Conversely, what are some of the challenges you face?

I thoroughly enjoy choosing a title, which somehow comes to me before I begin a story. Once the title is chosen, I place my fingers on my laptop keyboard and let the magic begin! It truly is magical when my muse takes over and the characters come to life. It is a thrilling feeling and so freeing that everything else disappears from my mind. I have even been known to forget to eat. My husband, God bless him, cooks many evenings when I get lost in a story.

The toughest part of the writing process is editing my work. I find this challenging. Editing means I have to remove or change what my characters and muse have created. The editing stages can go on and on until I finally take a stand and say enough! I don’t usually read my books again after publication fearing I may want to change something else.

MCA: How do your books contribute to promoting family-friendly values or enhancing the lives of your readers?

As I have mentioned before, all my books for young adults carry valuable life lessons, e.g., family matters, friendships are important, be kind to one another, lend a helping hand to those in need, and everyone deserves a second chance. I demonstrate good over evil and that hope is always within reach. I pray that young adult readers will learn these lessons from my books and that these values will enhance their lives.

I reiterate often how important it is for families to read and spend time together to bond, for time is fleeting and our children grow up too quickly before our eyes. The times we spend together will be remembered more than the material things we give our children.

MCA: Your byline for your blog is “Writing—Loving What I Do and Doing What I Love!” Do you sometimes get a chance to speak to aspiring authors? And what advice would you give to people just starting their writing journey?

On occasion aspiring authors have asked me for some assistance on their writing journey. To help them I wrote up a list of step-by-step instructions, such as start a blog, sign up for social media, get yourself out there, follow fellow authors, like their posts and read, read and read some more of other authors’ books to learn how to hone your craft. This list can be helpful to those who are just starting their writing journey. There are also many authors out there who are always willing to lend a hand to help a newbie indie author.

I noticed that one particular young woman, who I advised in the past, is now writing, publishing and doing well. This only inspires me to help others, for we are not alone on our journeys and any assistance we can receive is welcome and appreciated. I don’t profess to know everything about writing, publishing, etc., for I am continually learning more every day.

MCA: What is next for your writing endeavors—do you have anything in the pipeline?

I always have other stories waiting in the wings. I am presently working on Book 4 of an angel series and a children’s book about two sisters.

Ideas are constantly popping into my head. I have a middle-grade series brewing with characters that are repeatedly reminding me to let them tell their story. I may do another series for 18+ with a character that appeared in another book. I have also considered doing another short story collection for 18+ and more children’s books. There is always something brewing at Jemsbooks.

MCA: Janice, it’s been such a pleasure speaking with you today. We certainly wish you the best in all your many endeavors.

You can learn more about Janice Spina and her award-winning Gateskin Chronicles books by visiting her MCA Shop page.

2 Comments on “Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Janice Spina”

  1. It is lovely to see Janice featured here. I’ve read a few of her children’s books and enjoyed them very much

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