Giveaway! Woven TREK Chimparoo Baby Carrier

Woven TREK Chimparoo Baby Carrier giveaway (image)

Guess what?! It’s time for another giveaway! We’re giving away this award-winning Woven TREK Cimparoo Baby Carrier to a lucky winner! Enter for your chance to win using the widget below.

You are only required to subscribe to our Mom Knows Best Newsletter in order to enter this giveaway. If you are already subscribed to the newsletter, simply enter your email address into the widget above to claim your entry. There are also several optional entry methods that can greatly increase your chances of winning. Some of these optional entry methods may be completed daily. They are all detailed in the widget above.

This contest ends at 11:59 AM EST on September 1, 2016. The widget above will no longer be active after that time.

The Woven TREK Chimparoo Baby Carrier was designed by mothers and health professionals. It is an ergonomic baby carrier made with 100% organic cotton woven wrap fabric. It can be worn on the front, hip, or back. It has a built-in infant seat for the newborn, a head support, and a foot straps device to keep the legs in a more comfortable position. It is soft and enveloping like a wrap while providing the ease and safety of a more structured carrier.

If you have any questions about this giveaway please email us or ask in the comment section below.

Good luck!


53 Comments on “Giveaway! Woven TREK Chimparoo Baby Carrier”

  1. The winner of this giveaway has been notified via email and announced on Twitter. Thanks so much to all who participated. We have a new giveaway starting tomorrow!

    1. Awesome! Congrats on the new baby, Cassandra! That is so exciting!!!! Thanks for entering this giveaway and good luck!

  2. I am going to dream about winning this amazing product. My best friend swears by this carrier. I hope the universe is in my favor! thank you very much for listing this item for a chance to win… exciting for all of us.. :)

    1. Good luck, Amanda! It’s awesome that your best friend has one and loves it!

  3. My first baby is due in late September, I’d be thrilled to be the lucky winner and get ready to carry my newborn! Good luck to everyone! :)

    1. Congrats on your first born, Sofia!!! We’re so excited for you! Thanks for entering the giveaway and good luck!

  4. Wow how wonderful. My husband and I would love to have a third so it would be nice if I had something like this to keep my hands free but baby close :) thanks for the chance <3

  5. My son and daughter in law are expecting their first baby in December. They are scouting out Baby Carriers. The Woven TREK Chimparoo Baby Carrier sounds amazing. I love the fact that baby can be carried on the hip, front or back and was created by Moms and Health Professionals. Thanks for the chance to win this for them

    1. Awesome! Congrats to you son and daughter-in-law! So exciting!!! Thanks for entering and good luck!

    1. Yes, it can be used from birth to early childhood. Thanks for entering, Ariana! And good luck!

  6. I know a little one that would be pretty comfy in this. And with three toddler siblings I think it would really help mom out too. :)

  7. My sister in law is pregnant with her 1st and is due on Thanksgiving. She would really find this baby carrier to be useful!

  8. Great baby gift. Hope I win.My son would love this for his fist child expected in October.

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