Giveaway! Techno Gears Quirky Copter! 3 Winners!

Giveaway! Techno Gears Quirky Copter! 3 Winners!

We’re kicking off our first giveaway of May 2017! Three lucky winners will receive this Techno Gears Quirky Copter! Enter for you chance to win using the widget below.

The Techno Gears Quirky Copter is great for ages 6 plus! The Quirky Copter lets kids build a machine with spinning gears and rotors that move and work! With 80+ colorful construction pieces, a power motor, and more, this kit includes everything your enthusiast needs to build their own Quirky Copter. The mechanics of this set includes gears and will introduce and experience the science of gear ratio.

About the Giveaway

To enter the giveaway, you are only required to sign up for our Mom Knows Best newsletter. If you’ve already subscribed, simply claim your entry by confirming your info in the widget above.

There are also several optional entry methods (as describe in the widget above) that you can complete to gain additional entries.

Entry for this giveaway closes at 11:59 AM EST on May 15, 2017. The widget will no longer be active once the giveaway has ended.

You can view our giveaway terms and conditions here. If you have questions about this giveaway, feel free email us or ask in the comment section below!

20 Comments on “Giveaway! Techno Gears Quirky Copter! 3 Winners!”

  1. This is a great game for kids. It helps them to be creative and play with each piece and try to create objects . Nice chance

  2. Would be cool to win this for my 5 year old daughter. She would have fun with this toy. Hope to win.

  3. I entered would be cool to win this for my 5 year old daughter. She would have fun playing with it. Hope to win.

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