We’re giving away this award-winning book to 1 lucky winner!
About the Book:
Deepening the characters so artfully sketched by J.M. Barrie, Hook & Jill reveals the dark side of innocence at which Barrie hinted in the figure of Peter Pan. It brings alive a daring Wendy who asks questions and seeks truth; it delves into the man, Hook, the iconic villain. Striding from fairy-tale and thrusting into reality, Captain Hook becomes a frightening force indeed.
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Entry for this giveaway will close on June 28th, 2019 at noon EST.
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4 Comments on “GIVEAWAY: Hook & Jill Book!”
The winner has been chosen and notified via email. Thanks to all who entered!
Love the cover. Thanks for the giveaway.
would love to win, im a big reader thanks!
this looks like a great read