Giveaway: Peace in War

Giveaway: Peace in War
We are giving away the award-winning book, Peace in War, by author Lindsay Ann Fink to 10 lucky winners!

About the book:

This is a great book to help discuss current world events. It is a peaceful calming way to explain the war. At times in the world we see anger, betrayal, hurt, and fear. This book gives children a concrete example of how to transmute those difficult emotions into something positive. Something small they can do to bring joy, life, love, and peace into our world. We see people yelling we can change the outcome by holding hands to discuss our issues calmly. We see anger we can change the energy by looking at a new perspective. We see sadness and we can bring a loving smile and a warm hug. We see war we can change the world by bringing peace. Peace in War demonstrates a simple approach to transmute the fear and hurt into Peace and Love. Lets plant peaceful solutions into the world and create the world we have ALL been dreaming of. Make Peace a reality for our children and our children’s children. We need more peace in the world be the change, choose the peace.

You are only required to subscribe to our Mom Knows Best newsletter and visit our Facebook page in order to enter the giveaway. There are also several optional entry methods that can increase your chances of winning.

Entry for this giveaway will close on December 09, 2022, at noon EST.

You can view our giveaway terms and conditions here. If you have additional questions, please email us or ask in the comment section below.



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