When a young child receives a small, colorful wooden box for his birthday from his grandma he gets very excited. He wants to find something just right to put in his special box. He goes on a journey of self-discovery as he determines what would be the perfect thing for his box to hold.
The tractor is too big! The giraffe is too tall! The little fish needs water! He soon discovers what is most important to hold in his box and in his heart. It’s a story about giving and receiving. It’s a story about magic! It’s a story about love!
GIVEAWAY: The Magical Love Box
You are only required to subscribe to our Mom Knows Best newsletter and visit our Facebook page in order to enter the giveaway. There are also several optional entry methods that can increase your chances of winning.
Entry for this giveaway will close on September 20th, 2019 at noon EST.
You can view our giveaway terms and conditions here. If you have additional questions, please email us or ask in the comment section below.

3 Comments on “GIVEAWAY: The Magical Love Box (signed)”
Thanks to all who entered. The winners have been chosen and notified via email!
This sounds like an amazing book! Would love to add this to my collection.
We would love to share this book with our two grandmas.