Rachel Kiser
Blogger | Mom of Two
The first day of school is a huge milestone, for both parent and child. For your rising Kindergartener, it means a full day of structure, new faces, and no mom and dad for reassurance or comfort. For parents, it’s often a shift from being in charge of your kid’s day and being present for the big (and little) moments. You miss them. It hurts to let go.
My husband and I sent our firstborn off to Kindergarten this month and I felt like there was a gaping hole in my heart watching her walk off. She did so with confidence and a huge smile, but I know for many, that is not the case. Tears are common. It can be scary leaving mom’s side.

Louise Mallett is a mother of three in the UK, and recently her youngest child, Max, was upset while preparing for his first day of school.
“My son was very emotional and the idea just rolled off my tongue as I was trying to cheer him up before we left the house,” Mallett tells Babble. “He had told me on his first half-session he cried because he missed me, so I told him I had a magical power as his mummy and I could share it with him. His little face was a picture of excitement and wonder as I explained to him that if I put a heart on his hand and mine, [whenever] he was feeling sad and needed a hug, he could press it and I would feel it and press mine back and he’d get a big hug.”
I may have teared up a little bit as I read that. Moms never cease to amaze me with their resourcefulness and ability to soothe their little ones’ worries (with so little as a pen, I might add!).
Mallett shares, “He soon forgot his tears and was excited to receive his heart (we had to put a spare on his arm in case it wore off and today we had to do 4!) at the end of the day I asked him if he got my hugs and he excitedly said ‘yep! I pressed mine really hard but I didn’t cry’ and I told him how I had felt a really big squeeze and sent one straight back to him!”

What a beautiful tradition that’s begun within this family, even stretching to other parents and children in Max’s class! I love that it’s a small way for both mother and son to feel connected to one another, even when they’re miles apart. Allowing your child to do something, even if it’s as small as pressing on a tiny heart, lets them feel in control at a time they feel powerless. What a great idea.
Would I be amiss if I requested a “hug button” of my own for when I miss my kids while they’re gone? My husband when he’s on business trips?
Feel free to pass this along to any parents in your life who have little ones struggling with separation as they go off to school.
Rachel is a wife and mother living in Raleigh, North Carolina. She’s a fan of good coffee, wearer of gray t-shirts, and is constantly starting books she will never finish. Her family is her joy, and she loves to engage with other moms and dads on matters of parenting. Her blog posts have also been featured on the Today Show Parenting Blog and Scary Mommy.
View all posts by Rachel Kiser here.
10 Comments on “One Mom’s “Hug Button” Sends Son Virtual Hugs On His First Day of School”
This is such a beautiful, sweet idea. Kids need that reassurance that their parent’s love is still with them, especially in uncertain moments like the first day of school.
Glad you enjoyed, Krista!
So cute!! I’ve read about matching bracelets as well. Such a great idea!
That’s a good one too!
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story it just makes me feel warm inside!
Glad you enjoyed Kathy! Thanks for reading!
What a wonderful story and fantastic idea. I wished I read this when my kids were little although it would have been for me not for them. Both my kids were in preschool before K so they were so ready. I had to go back to work when my kids were young so it was me having the issue of going to work and leaving them home with their dad.
It works just as much for the parent as it does the child :) Thanks for sharing!
This is so sweet! My little one still has separation anxiety sometimes. My little one always wants to hold onto something, and I let her bring her favorite small toy to school, I think it soothes her. I love the idea of the heart button and I will try it too!
Thanks for sharing Tiffany and we hope this helps your little one!