Mom’s Choice Awards is excited to announce another post in our interview series where we chat with the inventors, designers, publishers, and others behind some of our favorite family-friendly products.
Hello, Mom’s Choice readers! Thank you so much for joining us today for another interview with one of our wonderful honorees! For this interview, we were able to catch up with Shreya Gupta, author of the Mom’s Choice Award-Winning book, The Flip Side! This is Shreya’s second Mom’s Choice Award as well as her second MCA interview! Shreya has been very busy since her last interview in August of 2020, and we got to discuss with her what exactly she’s been up to since then. Since her last interview, she has published her new award-winning book, The Flip Side, which is a story about overcoming the very real and very negative effects of cyberbullying. Did we mention Shreya is only 12 years old?! Keep reading to find out more about the amazing Shreya Gupta and her award-winning book, The Flip Side!
MCA: Hi Shreya, we are so happy to get the chance to speak with you again, and congratulations on yet another Mom’s Choice Award! Can we start the interview off by you briefly telling us about yourself?

Two-time MCA award-winning author, Shreya Gupta!
Shreya: I am a 12-year-old author who loves to write stories! I also enjoy making mini animations, drawing, or anything else that allows me to express my creativity! In addition, I love spending time with my family and friends.
MCA: What was your inspiration for writing The Flip Side?
Shreya: After seeing that my first book “Flamingo Feet” helped so many people deal with bullying, I especially wanted to try and spread more awareness about cyberbullying with the pandemic. Another reason was that I wanted to help children in my country, and so the money towards “The Flip Side” is going towards Kids Help Phone.
MCA: Getting to do what your love while also being able to give back to those in need is truly amazing. Your last book, Flamingo Feet, focuses more on in-person bullying, and your new book, The Flip Side, focuses on cyberbullying. Can you tell us more about some of the key lessons found in The Flip Side?
Shreya: Some of the key lessons in “The Flip Side,” is learning to have self-confidence and always doing what you enjoy no matter what, and to never let people stop you from chasing your dreams. Along with that, it teaches you to focus on “the flip side”, this means to focus on the positives in life rather than the negatives. (Focus on the people who love you and support you rather than the bullies or other barriers in life.)
MCA: Can you share with us why it’s so important to bring awareness to the issue of cyberbullying, especially in the current climate we are in?
Shreya: With the current pandemic, cyberbullying has been a huge issue. Many children get texts that say mean things, social media is especially a problem. Sometimes the bullies will comment mean things on your posts, or try and make you feel upset. It’s a huge problem that has to be dealt with.
MCA: What kind of response from readers have you received?

The cover art for the MCA award-winning book, “The Flip Side.”
Shreya: From both my first book “Flamingo Feet” and my second book “The Flip Side” people have told me that my books have helped them gain confidence and along with that stand up to bullies. It has taught people valuable lessons, and has inspired them. It was amazing to see that my books were helping so many people.
MCA: Can you tell us about some of the charities that a portion of the sales from The Flip Side will help support?
Shreya: All proceeds earned from “the Flip Side” are going towards “Kids Help Phone” in Canada. It is an organization that helps kids 24/7 deal with abuse, bullying, or anything in between. Kids can message workers at Kids Help Phone, or call them to get support and/or help.
MCA: If you could ensure readers of your book walk away with one main lesson, what would it be?

An illustration the can be found within the MCA award-winning book, “The Flip Side.”
Shreya: I would hope that children, along with adults as well, would learn to stand up for themselves (and others) and not let bullies stop them. Along with that, I would hope they would look on “the flip side” in life and focus on the positives rather than the negatives.
MCA: Thank you for sharing that, Shreya! We hope to be able to catch up with you again very soon.
You can learn more about Shreya Gupta and her award-winning book, The Flip Side by visiting her MCA Shop pages.
3 Comments on “Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Shreya Gupta”
Nothing beats charity and donation. Only 12 years old girl did the better than adult we should all proud of Shreya Gupta and wish she would have success full more.
This would be perfect for my kid! It’s adorable!
Shreya Gupta is an amazing young girl who has inspired so many . She not only wrote a much needed book but she is also donating the proceeds to charity.
We as adults have much to learn from her and to think she is only 12.
God Bless her!