Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Valerie Whetstone

Mom’s Choice Awards is excited to announce another post in our interview series where we chat with the inventors, designers, publishers, and others behind some of our favorite family-friendly products.

Hello, Mom’s Choice readers! I imagine that for many of today’s readers, our guest honoree needs no introduction. International bestselling author Valerie Whetstone is considered by many to be Silicon Valley’s top life and wellness coach. We’re delighted that about a year ago, this motivational speaker turned her energy to creating an empowerment book for children: Oh No, Riley!, which teaches kids how to meet challenges — and garnered a Mom’s Choice Gold award. Among its goals is teaching kids how to stop using the four-letter word “can’t” and start saying “I can!” She joins us today to tell us more.

MCA: Hi Valerie! Thanks so much for joining us today, and congratulations again on your Mom’s Choice Award. Oh No, Riley! is such a heartwarming story and fun read for kids. Won’t you start off our session by telling us a bit about the person behind this engaging story?

I am California girl, born and raised. I currently live in San Jose with my husband and my dog, Riley. I have two grown sons. I am a retired teacher who loves to work in my garden, travel, and spend time with my family and friends. After going through many health challenges, I decided to become a life and wellness coach to be a beacon of light for others going through some challenges in their own lives.

I was confronted with devastating circumstances, not being able to walk or talk, dealing with chronic debilitating pain daily; I was literally watching my life pass by. I had a choice to live with my circumstances or rebuild my life. I made the decision to live fully. I gathered all the broken pieces of my life “piece by piece” and then realized I had been dealt this life so I can help others transform theirs. I founded Doorway To Transformation, to be a bright light in a dark world. I now help others to find their inner power and take back their life so they can live a life they love living. I have now dedicated my life to understanding success and transformation principles. I guide people to break through their limiting beliefs, find their inner power, create a new vision for their life, and magnify their heart’s desires. My coaching programs are truly life changing!

Being a teacher, I wanted to not only empower adults but children as well. Therefore, I decided to live my lifelong dream of becoming an author so I could empower children too through my stories. I love doing whole school visits, and classroom visits as well. I give kids the tools to overcome obstacles and empower them to believe in themselves so they can do hard things.

MCA: What an inspiring story. What was your path to becoming an author like? What finally led you to follow that lifelong dream?

My intent for Oh No, Riley! was originally to bring smiles and joy to children’s faces, but as I continued to develop my story my message became stronger and more clear. I decided to connect the story to my own life of overcoming obstacles and believing that “I can” even when things were hard. I started wondering how I could take all the challenges I have gone through in my own life and turn it into my superpower. I started seeing the benefits of how a positive mindset and powerful daily affirmations can help you overcome challenges in your life.

Therefore, I really wanted to share what I have learned with children, but I wanted to make it fun and lighthearted. I truly believe if we start teaching kids at a young age how to re-pattern their minds from negative thoughts such as “I can’t” to more positive empowering thoughts such as “I can,” then they will become more confident for their entire lives. It just grew from there.

I went from a simple dream of publishing my first children’s book to now being on a mission to empower over 100,000 kids to believe in themselves— and that anything is possible!

MCA: Extraordinary—and a goal we at Mom’s Choice can definitely get behind! Please share with us your inspiration for writing Oh No, Riley!

My dog Riley! Ever since we brought him home, the misadventures began. He would get into everything! He would chew on our shoes and on my son’s and papa’s glasses. He would steal chicken off the counter, he would steal the kitchen towels and chew them, he would steal your food right off your plate and run, he would chew on the window seals, and the list goes on. Being a teacher, I shared about Riley’s misadventures every day to my class and they would laugh and smile. They looked forward to each new day and often asked, “What did Riley do today?” I knew that I had to create a book about it.

MCA: What a wonderful source of inspiration! What are some of the key lessons found in your book?

Some of the key lessons young readers will find:

  • How to overcome obstacles in your life
  • You can do hard things
  • To always believe in yourself
  • To never give up
  • Names of the days of the week
  • Counting from 1-10 by finding all the hidden bones in the story.

MCA: With such an encouraging and imaginative story, what kinds of response have you received?

I have had such a positive, wonderful response from readers. I get emails and texts daily with children reading my book Oh No, Riley! and telling me they love it. My favorite is hearing the kids say the words “OH NO, RILEY!” out loud. The book is a bestseller on Amazon and even got #1 New Release. It has become an award-winning book. Oh No, Riley! Is a Mom’s Choice GOLD winner and a five-star Reader’s Choice winner. Teachers are loving reading the book to their kids and using it as a great resource to teach so many different skills, such as days of the week, counting from 1-10, and positive thinking.

MCA: You have clearly found a rewarding new calling. What’s next for your writing endeavors?I am currently writing a sequel to Oh No, Riley! that will come out in the FALL 2024 as well as a book about self love for kids.

MCA: Please keep us posted—we look forward to seeing both of them when they’re released. Thanks again for joining us today!

You can learn more about Jill Vanderwood and her award-winning book, Oh No, Riley!, by visiting her MCA Shop page.

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