Giveaway! Lego Friends: Heartlake Horse Show Set

Lego Friends Giveaway - Heartlake Horse Show

We’re not missing a beat with our January giveaways! Today we’re starting a giveaway for this LEGO Friends Heartlake Horse Show set, and it’s not the last giveaway we’ve got planned for January either! We’ll follow this with another giveaway starting next week, but you’ll just have to wait to see what that will be…

Enter for your chance to win this LEGO set below.

This 335 piece LEGO set includes two horses, two mini-figures, two jumps, a grooming station, and more!

You are only required to enter a valid email address to enter this giveaway. There are also several optional entry options that will help you increase your chances of winning. Some of these options may be completed daily for better chances. They are all clearly marked on the giveaway widget above. If the email address you enter is not valid, then none of your optional entries will be counted.

This giveaway will end at 11:59 am EST on Monday, January 18.

To view our giveaway terms and conditions click here.

If you have any questions, please ask in the comments below or email us.


233 Comments on “Giveaway! Lego Friends: Heartlake Horse Show Set”

  1. Awe my goodness my 5 yr old daughter would so fall in love with this. She loves horses:) hope I win

    1. Thanks for entering, Alicia! We host several giveaways a month! Hope you’ll continue stopping by!

  2. So glad i stopped by. I cant believe all the helpful blogs. Im signing up for a news letter!!! Thk u. Following on Pinterest. Do you have an instagram? My 16 yr old only boy gave his star war legos he had to his 3 lil sisters. I have tons of beautiful pics of them sharing their passion imagination s and building techniques thk u

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the kind words, Arica! And thanks for signing up for the newsletter and finding us on Pinterest! We do not instagram unfortunately.
      That’s very sweet of your boy. LEGOs are great for inspiring imagination! Thanks for entering!

  3. My daughter loves lego but we can’t afford them. I really wish they mde them more affordable such a great learning toy thanks so much for the chance

    1. Sorry to hear that Arica. We host LEGO giveaways every now and then, so hopefully you’ll get lucky here!

  4. My daughter loves these sets, and this would make a great addition!! Thank you for the chance to win it!!

  5. If I won this, my granddaughter would never want to play with any of her other toys. I can see her sitting for hours keeping herself amused with this great toy.

    1. So sorry to hear they’ve been having a tough year, Melissa. We host several giveaways a month, so keep stopping by!

    1. You are such a sweet great grandmother to enter this for them, Carol! We host new giveaways several times a month, so keep stopping by!

  6. I appreciate this giveaway and all your choice of toys and advices, i kniw the odds are against me, but a girl can dream right? My daughters birthday is in February and she certainly would love this so much!

    1. Thank you so much for visiting our blog and entering this giveaway Kylie! We host several giveaways a month, so please keep stopping by. And happy birthday to your daughter!

  7. My 7 year old would definitely be very happy if she got this. She just turned 7 and that is one thing I could not buy her on her b-day. Keeping my fingers crossed and good luck to everyone.

    1. Happy Birthday to your little girl, Adrianna! Thanks for visiting and for playing!

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