Mom’s Choice is always proud to share the accomplishments of our Honorees. In an interview with our multiple Mom’s Choice Award-Winning author Nancy Gee, we get to hear not only about her background and goals in her career and community, but a special Contest that she is running in conjunction with Stone Soup magazine. We are honored to be able to sit down and hear more!
MCA: Hi Nancy! Thanks for taking some time out to tell us how things are going. To start, why don’t you tell our readers a little bit more about yourself?
Nancy: In addition to being a Mom’s Choice Award-Winning author, I’m an entrepreneur, business owner, and philanthropist. I graduated from Drake University and currently reside in the Chicago area, where I own and operate Maywood Industries, a wood crating and fabrication company. One thing I do regularly is conduct fundraisers and readings for local non-profits serving children and their families.
MCA: We love when people take their passions and turn them into things that benefit society in a profound way. What was your own path to becoming a writer like? Did writing have a place in your own childhood?
Nancy: My journey into writing started after a flying squirrel somehow found its way into my sock drawer! My grandsons loved having me tell and retell that funny story, and ultimately challenged me to write a book. That story became The Secret Drawer (2014), which is a Mom’s Choice Gold Award winner! This was the start of a new chapter in my life, and I have since written three more books in The Secret Book Series, which centers on the adventures of Al & Sal, two flying squirrels who have taken up residence in my garden.
The Secret Path, a Mom’s Choice Silver Award winner, was published in 2016, The Secret Room was published in 2017, and The Secret Bus is releasing in the Fall of 2018.
Becoming a children’s author was not on my list of things to do until the flying squirrels made their debut in my sock drawer, followed by the challenge from my grandsons to write children’s books, but every since that moment, new adventures began in my own life and continues on through the voices of children.
MCA: How special, that your path was directed by those nearest and dearest to you. So, if you could sum up one thing that you hope readers of The Secret Series walk away with, what would it be?
Nancy: Through the pages of my writing brings into children’s lives the magic of literacy and through literacy the world is theirs.
MCA: We agree- Knowledge is power. What benefits come with literacy, writing skills, and developing the creative process at an early age?

A drawing by Laila, one of the kids who inspired Nancy’s seriesat an early age?
Nancy: The benefits of literacy, writing and creativity at an early are without boundaries. Early in children’s lives is the formation of their being for their entire life time.
MCA: It is so important, then, that we do all that we can to foster these skills early on so that foundation is built and solid. You are obviously very passionate about helping children find their written voice.
Nancy: I am more than passionate, as my success and own personal journey comes from the kids I have met along the way! I have listened to their voices and implemented their ideas throughout my book series. These kids are the ones who let me know how to travel in the magical world of children’s books. Their voices and aspirations lead me to launch The Secret Kids Contest; it’s my way of giving back to all of these inspirational kids.
I think it is so important that we listen to our children’s unique voices.
MCA: We would love to share more about The Secret Kids Contest with our readers, it is such a fun and unique opportunity!
Nancy: Absolutely ! Stone Soup Magazine and Mackenzie Press/ The Secret Book Series are excited to present The Secret Kids Contest,
The Secret Kids Contest is a national contest seeking kid writers and kid illustrators. The entries come from three levels: Elementary, Middle School, and teens, covering a full range of kids. The contest winner will receive a published book deal by Mackenzie Press and a cash prize. The goal of the contest is to let our kids’ voices be heard.
MCA: Nancy, we are so excited about The Secret Kids Contest and glad we can be a small part of it! We are very much looking forward to seeing the winning submissions. Thank you for stopping by and sharing with us.
For more information, please visit Nancy’s website and click on Secret Kids Contest. Submissions will be accepted until January 1, 2019.

4 Comments on “Interview with Nancy Gee, Author of the Secret Book Series”
I like this ideal so much. I am always buying books for my grandchildren. Right now they are to young to write. However my grandson who is 4 is always making up stories. I have started writing many of these down for him. He definitely has a great imagination that I hope one day takes him far in his future. If he was old enough I would enter him but maybe in another couple years he will be old enough for something like this.
That’s great! It is so important to foster a good imagination in kids!
Thanks for sharing I love reading about women in their own business.The Secret Kids Contest sounds fun!
The Secret Kids Contest sounds great and any kid would love to win this