Giveaway! No Bees Please! Children’s Picture Book

No Bees Please Giveaway (image)

Great news! We’re giving away the children’s picture book No Bees Please! to six lucky winners! Enter for your chance to win author Brian Courrejou’s award-winning book below.

Please note: you are only required to sign up for our mailing list using the widget above in order to enter the giveaway. However, there are also several optional entry methods that can greatly increase your chances of winning.

You can view our giveaway terms and conditions here. Please note that you must be 18 or older to enter.

If you have any questions about this giveaway feel free to email us or ask in the comment section below.

Entry for this giveaway will end at noon EST on Friday July 29. You will no longer be able to enter on the widget above when the giveaway is closed.

No Bees Please book (image)About No Bees Please!

No Bees Please! is a children’s picture book by Brian Courrejou. It is the recipient of a GOLD Mom’s Choice Award. It’s a great book for early elementary school children.

No Bees Please! tells the tale of Antoine, a well-to-do ant who lives all alone in the fanciest ant hill around. Antoine has everything he could ever want…except for someone to share it with. He announces that he has a spare room for rent, and immediately bugs from all over come running, crawling, and jumping for a chance to be his new roommate! There’s just one problem: Antoine has a strong fear of bees that began when he was just a baby bug. Now, he dislikes them all. He makes it very clear that while most bugs are welcome, he prefers NO BEES PLEASE! However, as bug after bug arrives, Antoine comes to the realization that none of them are truly what they seem and that a bee may be exactly what he needs.

Find more information about No Bees Please! here.




35 Comments on “Giveaway! No Bees Please! Children’s Picture Book”

  1. Thanks for all who entered this giveaway! The six winners have been announced on Twitter and notified by email! New giveaway next week! Hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend!

  2. This is one of those children’s books which be read many, many times over and each time will be loved.

    1. Good luck, Maria! Thanks for entering! We host several giveaways a month, so please keep stopping by!

  3. I think my little girls would love this book, we love reading in our house. Thanks for the chance ?

    1. Thanks for entering, Claire! Good luck! It’s great that you’ve got a house of little readers! :)

  4. This children’s book is one that I would love to give to my six year old granddaughter. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

    1. Thanks for entering, Sandy! Good luck! This book would be great for your granddaughter!

  5. Hello to everyone and best of luck to all. I would love to win this book for my daughter.

  6. I think you should start reading with your child early so they can experience adventure and knowledge, so this book is AWESOME!!

    1. We’re sure you’re little ones will love it, Scott! Thanks for entering and good luck!

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