Teaching Your Child to Set the Table

Teaching Kids to Set the Table (image)

Centuries ago a French courtier discovered that it is easier to concentrate on eating if one doesn’t have to look around for one’s fork or knife at each meal. Viola! systematized table setting was born. Read More

8 Tips for Avoiding Parental Exhaustion

Parental Exhaustion (image)

Being a parent can be very rewarding. But it can also be exhausting! We’ve all had those days where nothing seems to go right and you feel like you can’t keep functioning as a proper parent. It happens to the best of us! Read More

Women, Why Do We Cut Each Other Down?

women cut down

I would bet that there aren’t many of us who haven’t suffered at the hands of other women. Whether it be in the workplace, within your family unit, or in the preschool carpool line, I know that few are exempt from this behavior. I have vivid memories of bullying and intentional hurt that I still carry with me, even from nearly two decades ago. My guess is that this isn’t uncommon. Read More

What’s In A Kiss?

kiss (image)

It’s been another stormy week on the social media front. This time in the headlines was the most shocking and offensive act a parent could possibly do – kiss their own child. Read More

4 Important Lessons I Learned Through Childbirth

lessons childbirth

I never expected childbirth– not actually meeting my child, but the physical act of bringing them into the world– to be one of my favorite, most defining life moments. I understand that many women don’t see it this way, and view it as solely a means to a beautiful end. That is okay! But as someone who is practicing finding teachers in the everyday, I realize that I learned a number of lessons in labor that apply to both childbirth and day-to-day life. Read More