4 Important Lessons I Learned Through Childbirth

lessons childbirth

I never expected childbirth– not actually meeting my child, but the physical act of bringing them into the world– to be one of my favorite, most defining life moments. I understand that many women don’t see it this way, and view it as solely a means to a beautiful end. That is okay! But as someone who is practicing finding teachers in the everyday, I realize that I learned a number of lessons in labor that apply to both childbirth and day-to-day life. Read More

When Our World Is Hurting (But Our Kids Don’t Realize It Yet)

hurting world kids

I know that, in the not too distant future, her sheltered and perfect world will crumble, brick by brick. She will hear a racial slur, understand the context of the flaming aftermath she sees on the news, or learn that one of her friends’ parents isn’t here anymore. She’ll have questions for my husband and I that we can’t answer to her, or our, complete satisfaction. We won’t have the perfect solution. She’ll see us unsure and maybe even scared, too. Read More

Oversharenting: What is Responsible Sharing in the Digital Age?

Oversharenting Baby Selfie (image)

We all seem to have that certain friend that likes to post picture after picture and detail after detail of their kids. You know who they are, I see them in my Facebook friend list often. Three in four U.S parents say that know of at least one mom or dad that is guilty of this too. Read More