How My Daughter Challenged My Perspective (After Embarrassing Me At O’Charley’s)

challenged perspective

All I wanted was to get out of that restaurant alive. People were unabashedly staring, and even though that normally doesn’t get to me, it did that night. After we paid, I all but threw the kids in the car, kissed my mom goodbye (and thanked her for always dealing with our chaos gracefully!), and schlepped the kids home. On the way, images of tucking both kids quickly and seamlessly into bed danced in my mind as I fantasized about the day coming to a close. Read More

In the Midst of Tragedy, Why Are We So Quick to Throw Stones?

tragedy alligator disney

I tend to think that outsiders blame parents because, when they admit that it’s an actual accident, they are admitting that they and their loved ones are not immune to the very same circumstances. It’s acknowledging that there are things that are out of their control; that even the most caring parent can’t completely shield and protect their child. Read More

Inducing Science Curiosity in Kids This Summer

science curiosity in kids

This summer our family decided that we can still have fun while learning some new things. Science doesn’t have to be a boring classroom subject; there are ways I’ve found to induce science curiosity in my kids. Read More