The Unexpected Teacher: What Our Kids Can Teach Us About Living

what our kids can teach us about living

I knew that I’d gain many things when I became a mom. A greater ability to multi-task. A newfound appreciation and love for my husband. A fierce, protective mother-daughter love. A strong need for coffee. Most obviously of all, I knew I’d gain a little one. The thing I was least of all expecting to gain, though, was a teacher. Read More

Happy in the Midst of Insanity: Raising My Standards…Maybe

Happy in the Midst of Insanity

I was talking to some friends the other day about how the past few months have been crazy, and even stressful in some ways as we try to deal with the logistics of three kids, work, elderly dogs and us all sharing a bathroom with a doorknob that regularly falls off. But that at the same time I’ve been feeling deliriously happy about my life. My family. The future. Read More