Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Jeff Orlowski

Welcome, Mom’s Choice readers! Today we’re fortunate to be able to get with Jeff Orlowski, author of the Mom’s Choice Award-winning book Heavenly Kids. The book features an angelic trio who help a struggling 12-year-old boy navigate  difficult feelings and choices relating to his parents’ divorce. Filled with warmth, hope, and the transformative power of kindness, this middle-grade adventure will inspire readers to believe in the enduring power of love, friendship, and the quiet miracles that shape our lives. Read More

Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Valerie Whetstone

Meet international bestselling author and top Silicon Valley life coach, Valerie Whetstone! In this Mom’s Choice interview, Valerie discusses her award-winning children’s book Oh No, Riley!—a story that empowers kids to face challenges and replace “can’t” with “I can!” Discover more about her journey and the inspiration behind her motivational message.

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Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Brandon Blackwell

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We are delighted to have with us today the talented author of “The Beat in My Head,” Brandon Blackwell. This remarkable children’s book is not just a story; it’s a journey that resonates with every child who has ever felt a beat in their heart. With the power to inspire, it’s based on the true story of Brandon’s own path to becoming an audio engineer. Read More

Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Eleanor D. Alspaugh

Thanks for joining us for another fascinating interview with one of our Mom’s Choice Award winners. Today we hear from Eleanor D. Alspaugh, who is known for telling it like it is, with insight and humor, when it comes to the challenges of motherhood. Her writing in The Mommy Go-Round is described as “real” and “honest.” The sleepless nights. Fussy eaters. Every challenge on that merry-go-round that motherhood entails—issues for toddlers through teenagers. We’ll also learn what prompted this book and the features that make its heartwarming, down-to-earth advice invaluable for parents. Read More

Giveaway: Duck Duck Spring Gift Bundle

We’re giving away these award-winning products from the company Duck Duck Books, the “Duck Duck Backpack” & a copy of the children’s picture book “I Am Me!” to 2 lucky winners! Read More

Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Allen Brokken

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For this interview, we sat down with multi-award-winning author Allen Brokken to talk about his book, Fear No Evil, book 3 in the Towers of Light Series! Allen Brokken is a Christian, husband, father, storyteller, and leader. He spent much of the last decade running youth programs that his children participated in as a volunteer while he was working full-time in technology leadership. He has since branched out into a number of different things, with writing being the main thing, but he also developing resources for homeschooling families. Read More

Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Allen Brokken

Allen Brokken MCA Interview Series Featured image

For this interview, we sat down with multi-award-winning author Allen Brokken to talk about his book, Still Small Voice, book 2 in the Towers of Light Series! Allen Brokken is a Christian, husband, father, storyteller, and leader. He spent much of the last decade running youth programs that his children participated in as a volunteer while he was working full-time in technology leadership. He has since branched out into a number of different things, with writing being the main thing, but he also developing resources for homeschooling families. Read More