Better Understand Your Children With These 5 Activities

Better Understand Your Children With These 5 Activities

I find people fascinating. We learn and grow. Our passions intensify or wane. I especially enjoy understanding what inspires and motivates children. As a teacher, I suppose that that’s a pretty handy interest. Here are five random activities that can help you better understand your children. Read More

Conquering Back to School Blues

Conquering Back to School Blues

The end of summer and beginning of another academic year can leave us parents feeling frazzled and stressed. I know I’m not alone in the feeling that we find our family schedules so full of “extras” that it can sometimes seem downright impossible to find the time to eat dinner together at the dining room table, let alone have meaningful conversations about our days. Read More

How to Set TV and Media Rules in Your House

As busy parents living in our media-savvy world, it can be difficult to place such limits on your family’s TV time. Here are some ideas we hope will help you determine the right amount of media usage for your family. Read More

How to Nurture a Love of Reading in Your Child

In this day and age with technology making the rapid advancements that it is, more and more kids are stuck on their tablets, phones, or video game consoles to pass the time instead of cracking open a book. Read More

Teaching Our Kids The Importance Of Consciousness

Consciousness is an important aspect of life. Teachers teach their students about conscious behavior, ministers preach about conscious behavior, counselors guide clients on how to be more conscientious and society itself praises those of us who are upstanding, conscious citizens. Read More