Books, TV, and pop culture are great places to get inspiration for Halloween costumes. But something strange happens every Halloween: Costume manufacturers promote “sexy” versions of pop culture characters for girls (not only sexy princesses but sexy snowmen and turtles!). Boys don’t get treated much better with gory costumes from TV shows that are in no way age-appropriate (Walter from Breaking Bad for kids?). This kind of off-target marketing to kids seems to work, though, since folks are expected to spend more than $8 billion on costumes and decorations for the holiday. Read More
DIY Homemade Halloween Costumes for Kids
Let me guess, your kids love Halloween. And why shouldn’t they? They dress up in fun costumes and get more candy in one night than they see in the rest of the year combined. Of course, your kids probably aren’t aware of how expensive those cheap plastic costumes can be. This Halloween, why not make your own? Read More