To All Women, When Mother’s Day is Hard

Mother's Day painful

The sad truth is, if you could survey the women in the room, statistically, you would find that there are very few who would be untouched by miscarriage, infertility, broken marriages and families, or death. So why is it so unheard of for these hurts to be acknowledged in the same breath as we acknowledge the amazing work of motherhood? My prayer is that we find a way to boldly acknowledge pain while still celebrating the gift of Motherhood in an intentional way. Read More

Just Walk Out The Door: The Importance of Mom Friends

mom friends

If there is one survival tip I can relay to new mothers who are struggling, it’s this: find your people. Having mom friends has made me a different mom. I have often called them my lifelines, because I truly don’t know what raising my children up until this point would have looked like without them. Read More