Interview with Sue Greenberg, Author of Elliott’s Tails: The Adventures of a Baby Horse

Welcome back to our readers! We’ve had some wonderful interviews to share with you recently as a continuation of our interview series, and today is no different. We’d love for you to meet one of our Mom’s Choice Award-winning Honorees, Sue Greenberg. Sue is the author of Elliott’s Tails: The Adventures of a Baby Horse, and we’re sure you’re about to fall in love with her and Elliott. Read More

Interview with Jennifer Renieris, Author of Hawk Eyes

Hi Mom’s Choice readers! Today we’re excited to share with you an interview with Jennifer Renieris, one of our Mom’s Choice Award-Winning authors. Jennifer wrote Hawk Eyes, a children’s book that focuses on teaching children that they can change their perspective on hard things and find strength in the midst of them. Keep reading to learn more about Jennifer and her mission as an author! Read More

Interview with Dave Schultze, Founder of Gridopolis Games

We have a really fun, playful product for you today. We sat down with Dave Schultze of Gridopolis Games. Gridopolis is a multiplayer strategy game that allows students to not only play the game in 2-D, but it is expandable so that you can build and play in three dimensions! Read More

Interview with Daniel Brown, Author of ELI – Pride of the Yazoo River

Today we’re proud to share our most recent installment of our ongoing interview series. We sat down with author Daniel E Brown, who wrote the Mom’s Choice Award-winning children’s book ELI- Pride of the Yazoo River. His story takes place in the small Mississippi town of Satartia, where a large catfish named Eli lives under a bridge. Read More

Interview with Joseph Cassis, Author of Squire With Fire- A Happy Dragon Tale

As a part of our ongoing interview series, we at Mom’s Choice had the great privilege of talking with Joseph Cassis, author of the Award-Winning book Squire With Fire- A Happy Dragon Tale. We have a hero (or heroine!), bravery, hard work, and s’mores, all wrapped up in a heartfelt and meaningful book. Keep reading for the full interview! Read More

Interview with Carole Sondrup, Author of Elephants Love Cowboys Too!

As we continue sharing interviews with some of our favorite Mom’s Choice Award-Winning Honorees, we are excited to have spent some time with Carole Sondrup, author of the touching and animal-friendly book Elephants Love Cowboys Too! Carole’s book is a sweet tale of the  relationship between her father and Amy, the elephant they raised from infancy on their ranch. Read More