Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Jomo Jesus Thomas Suriel

Today we were able to get with an extraordinarily talented young author who created the Mom’s Choice Award-winning The Emotions Volcano—the first book in his Emotional Intelligence series. Jomo Jesus Thomas Suriel, age 8, is the book’s author; his father, Jomo Gamal Thomas, illustrated the book; and Sandra M. Clifton is its editor. Read More

Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Charlie Shull

Charlie Shull MCA Interview Series Featured image

We hope this finds you well- thank you for joining us for another installment of our interview series. For this interview, we had the pleasure of speaking with Charlie Shull, author of the Mom’s Choice Award-winning book, It’s OK Little Rain Cloud to Cry! It’s OK Little Rain Cloud to Cry is a children’s picture book about mental health and learning healthy coping skills. Together, the story and song of “It’s OK Little Rain Cloud to Cry” help teach kids (and adults too) how to share and cope with their feelings in healthy ways. Keep reading to find out more about Charlie and his award-winning book, It’s OK Little Rain Cloud to Cry! Read More

Must Have College Break Discussions

Must Have College Break Discussions Featured

College students are dropping out at alarming rates. Therapists and counselors are overwhelmed with the demand for mental health care and are struggling greatly to keep up. Parents are having the toughest discussions ever imagined with their students over winter break. Those discussions revolve around suicide and depression. Unfortunately, these topics are front and center for today’s college students. So how do you have those conversations? Read More

Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winners Maria Luisa and Maelia Salcines

Maria Luisa and Maelia Salcines Featured Image

Today we had the pleasure of speaking with two of our honorees, Maria Luisa and Maelia Salcines. Maria Luisa and Maelia Salcines are not just mother and daughter, but also co-authors of the MCA award-winning book, You Can Do it, Chickadee. You Can Do it, Chickadee uses vivid, person-centered, age-appropriate language to describe the physical and emotional challenges brought on by depression. Read More