7 Spring Cleaning Tips for Busy Parents

As the flowers bloom and the birds chirp, it’s that time of the year again – spring cleaning season! While the idea of decluttering and refreshing your home sounds appealing, the reality of balancing it with parenting duties can be overwhelming. But fear not, busy parents! With a few smart strategies and a sprinkle of organization, you can conquer your spring cleaning goals without sacrificing precious family time. Here are seven tips to help you breeze through the process! Read More

School Organizational Skills for Kids: A Parent’s Guide

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As the new school year begins, minimize stress by organizing your child’s routine. Organization, or lack thereof, is based on executive functions which are natural neurological processes, a group of critical mental skills. Individuals with adequate executive function skills can plan, organize, strategize, and manage time. They know which assignments are on the agenda after school and can prioritize. Read More

How to Organize your Child’s Playroom

Kids will always be kids. No matter how hard you try to maintain law and order in their room, they will always find a way of messing it. The following are a few tips to keep your kid’s playroom organized. Read More

Reasons to Play Video Games with Your Kids

Parents try all types of strategies to help their kids stay organized. But what would happen if your child had a chance to experience some fun, guided practice of organizational skills that she could apply to her own needs? I’d suggest that you consider playing video games with your child. Read More

Why I Cleaned Out My Closet (And Why You Should, Too!)

closet cleaning

I’ve heard it said before that your closet can easily be a metaphor for your life, and I have to agree. Goodbye to snap decisions and impulse-buys that are supposed to put a band-aid on a bigger issue. Goodbye to filling voids with more stuff. In much the same way I evaluated my ‘busy’ life and the activities my days are filled with, I also want to evaluate where I spend my resources and time. Read More