Deanna Danielle
Teacher | Catechist
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Basic instructions
I was in only in kindergarten, yet, all these years later, I can still see her standing in front of the classroom ever so gently looking down at our table and saying, “This is how you do it…” As we cut out the identified shapes, our teacher explained to the class the proper way of holding the scissors, how to pass them to other students, and how to safely walk with them to put them away. Forming a fist around the closed blades with the handle exposed as our teacher had instructed, one of the students asked, “Why do we have to hold it this way?” Tenderly she replied, “It is for your safety and the safety of others…”
Teachers need to be equipped for it all. Trusted educators, who not only pass on knowledge and truth but also correct a fault with patience and instruction. Communication is one of the most important roles of a teacher, nonetheless, handing forward the benefits of faith, hope and love is the greatest gift a teacher can give. My kindergarten teacher had done this remarkably well as her first priority was to keep us all safe while we were learning new skills.
The same way teachers mold and shape us, filling us with important life lessons from an early age that will stick with us throughout our entire lives, we can turn to the Bible for those lessons from God. Someone once told me we can interpret “B.I.B.L.E.” as our “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.” I love this because it reminds me that, like my kindergarten teacher, the Lord’s intention is to protect us and keep us safe, while teaching us to navigate life.
“This is how you do it,” flows like a mighty river through God’s written word. “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Come up to Me on the mountain and be there; and I will give you tablets of stone, and the law and commandments which I have written, that you may teach them.” So Moses arose with his assistant Joshua, and Moses went up to the mountain of God. {Exodus 24:12-13]
God spoke to Moses high on the mountain, where He was able to give him a higher and wider level of view and understanding. After the climb, “Moses remained there on the mountain with the LORD forty days and forty nights. In all that time he ate no bread and drank no water. And the LORD wrote the terms of the covenant—the Ten Commandments—on the stone tablets…” [Exodus 34:28] Set in stone a vital foundation of basic instructions for our protection and the protection of others was written by “the finger of God”… [Exodus 8:19–20]
- The 10 Commandments [Deuteronomy 5:6-21]
- “You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me” [ Deuteronomy 5:7]
- “You Shall Not Make for Yourself an Idol” ([Deuteronomy 5:8]
- “You Shall Not Make Wrongful Use of the Name of the LORD Your God” [Deuteronomy 5:11]
- “Observe the Sabbath Day and Keep It Holy” [Deuteronomy 5:12]
- “Honor Your Father and Your Mother” [Deuteronomy 5:16]
- “You Shall Not Murder” [Deuteronomy 5:17]
- “You Shall Not Commit Adultery” [Deuteronomy 5:18]
- “You Shall Not Steal” [Deuteronomy 5:19]
- “You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor” [Deuteronomy 5:20]
- “You Shall Not Covet … Anything That Belongs to Your Neighbor” [ Deuteronomy 5:21]
These 10 Commandments from God are as timeless and powerful today as the day they were first put in writing. Basic instructions filled with faith, hope, love and sense. Extraordinarily beneficial in teaching us how to live better, healthier, protected and productive lives for our own good and the good of others. There is a reason and a purpose that you and I were created, great plans for us to grow and flourish. It is no secret that life will always have its challenges, yet, at the same time those challenges can make us better if we seek the intimacy in direction and guidance from the One who created us. Life’s greatest reward is knowing that our Creator is by our side all the way. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, One God, Creator of all things, Omnipotence (all-powerful,) Omniscience (all-knowing,) Omnipresence (all-present,) is closer then the breath we breathe; if only we want Him to be.
“‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” [Matthew 22:36-39]
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” [Proverbs 22:6]
“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations.” [Deuteronomy 7:9]
A teacher is not so much responsible for what our students know, but more so for the seeds we plant to help them grow.
Father in the Name of Jesus, by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit, be with us, direct our path, fill us with the riches of Your grace, transform our mind with a healthy balance that is good for our body and soul. Guide us with Your gracious love, that we may press forward to being all that You created us to be. In Your Holy Name we pray… Amen
Sweet blessings always,
Deanna Danielle
The views of the author do not necessarily reflect the views of MCA
About Deanna Danielle
With over eighteen years of Christian teaching background, Deanna Danielle has found that the best way to engage her class is through bringing topics to life by taking what is “old” and making it new and relatable in today’s context. She believes that a teacher is not so much responsible for what their students know, but more so for the seeds they plant to help them grow. Her Blogs are to inspire a self-realization journey helping readers discover their hidden treasures within, by connecting biblical truths with modern-day examples of faith.
She has published two books and has many projects currently in the works. ‘An Ordinary Person, An Extraordinary Gift’, won a Mom’s Choice Award, and ‘Christmas Morn’, which was published a year prior was considered a “Top Tier Highest Selling Book for Non-celebrities.” More recently, Deanna Danielle’s children’s book, Sheli, is in the final stages of illustration, DELILAH, The Secret of Great Strength, a collection of valuable teachings to stimulate, motivate and cultivate the beauty in one’s life, through the living word of God, is waiting for publication and her feature-length film script, “In My Weakness,” has been reviewed by several producers.
To see more, view all posts by Deanna Danielle here, or visit her website
14 Comments on “This Is How You Do It”
Always an inspiring author thank you Deanna
I continue to look forward to your blog. It is a perfect guide and reminder of what we were put on earth to do. Be good, kind and humane.
This is superb I love the way Deanna incorporates teaching of the word of God to every day living what amazes me is how she uses her life and teaching experiences as an asset to bring the Truth into fruition . Her writings are encouraging and refreshing. Thank you Deanna for sharing the gift that God had given you. Keep the blogs coming!!
Wow, I love this reminder of the Bible, B.I.B.L.E.! Our Heavenly Father has given us the Steps, the Instructions on how to live our lives here, on Earth, so that we can be a pleasing aroma and glorify Him through our lives. I am reminded of the beauty and importance of renewing my mind with His Word, daily!
Another great blog post. The stories are always so relatable and just warm your heart while educating us on the truth of who loves us and whose we really are. Well done!
Thanks for the great examples and anecdotes!
Love this! What a gift God’s Word is to us and the importance of teachers and how they share truth, hope, love with us. Thank you for this beautiful article! Made me reminisce to those good days in school:)
Always inspiring and encouraging others to be better people and live a better life. Look forward to future blogs!
A very special thank you to everyone who published your beautiful thoughts on this post! Thank you to Mom’s Choice Awards, for allowing me to share it!! God bless you all abundantly! Much love, Deanna Danielle

Love reading your articles! Such a wonderful read!
Amazing read!! Always look forward to your articles!
I love how eloquently Deanna wove truth of God’s word into this real life experience. Truth sets us free and Deanna exudes God’s truth in everything she says and does. To God be the glory!!
I love this week’s blog for Deanna Danielle. She gives us a gentle reminder to always keep the Bible as guidance on how to live out best life
The bible is the most important text book you’ll ever have. Study often because graduation day is coming.