For a Work-at-Home Mom (WAHM), every day is a quest to find the best work-life balance.
Turn on the a TV for a quick 24-minute show. ✓
Put the baby down for a nap, ✓
It’s GO TIME! Let’s get to work.
What? The show is over? I just got through emails, and I have more to do.
Time for Plan B: I’ll catch up during afternoon naps.
Wait, the toilets need to be cleaned and I have to prep dinner!
Plan C: I will write for my deadline once the kids are in bed and I’ve caught up with my husband and, and, and….
“Welcome to the world of a stay-at-home, working from home, mom,” says Maria Dismondy, award-winning author and business owner.
So many moms don’t just Stay-at-Home (SAHM), we work-at-home (WAHM), too. We asked Maria her to share her work-life balance journey as someone who is a Mom, homeschooler, and business owner, too.
Maria Dismondy
Mom of Two | WAHM | SAHM
Twitter | Facebook
Work-Life Balance: It’s a Journey
I am the mother of two girls ages 3½ and 1½. I’m an award-winning children’s book author. I also teach aerobics before the sun comes up; homeschool my preschooler; and leave home to present to schools in Michigan about once a week.
How do I do it? First, I don’t pretend to be a super mom, I do my best and move forward when the going gets tough.
I also love what I do and that keeps me going. Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way (these tips can be helpful for working, part-time and stay-at-home mamas).
Have a Plan: Each day I write out my plan. This includes everything from housework to writing deadlines, dance classes, EVERYTHING.
It keeps me realistic about what I can get done. This took some practice, but I make sure not to over plan our days.
I do my best to remain present when I am with my kids. When I have time alone, I have my plan.
Support System: Accept help from your support system whether it be family, friends or your husband. This was a hard one for me. I wanted to be able to do it all, but who am I kidding?
My mother-in-law comes over once a week for a few hours. I can use that time to run errands, meet with my intern, write at a coffee shop, go to an appointment, etc. I can get twice the amount done when I am on my own for these three hours versus having the girls with me. I know this is not available to everyone, but if you can get help for just a few hours a week, it really helps!
Pamper Yourself: Working out at the gym may not sound like pampering to everyone, but it helps me focus. Having taught fitness classes for over a decade, the biggest excuse I hear from parents is “There’s no time.” Make the time.
It can be before the kids wake up. A workout video or a quick walk around the block before your husband goes to work. You can include your kids in on the exercise, too! There are mornings I will wake up early to read for thirty minutes before the family wakes up. Find time for yourself, it will benefit you and your family in many ways!
Get Creative with Your Time: If you are home with your children, chances are you are not getting a lot of work done during the day. It’s tempting to get on my computer each night once the girls are asleep to work. Don’t forget about your husband!
Make time to get your work done before the family wakes up or after they go to bed. Even if it’s only 20 minutes here or there, be prepared and organized and you will get a few steps ahead!
Have Fun! Remember the days may be long but the years are short!
This post was originally posted on the now-defunct Mom’s Choice Matters blog.
About Maria Dismondy
Maria Dismondy, mother of two, reading specialist, fitness instructor and bestselling children’s author living in Southeast Michigan.
She can be reached at her website:

2 Comments on “The Elusive Work-Life Balance: WAHM to WAHM by Maria Dismondy”
I have not done it but it sure sounds challenging!
What do I do when I’m alone, no one to help me, my baby is often sick :(