Weekly Roundup: Children’s Picture Books, Baby Toys and More! 1/26 – 2/01

This week’s roundup of Mom’s Choice Award winners features children’s picture books, baby toys and more! Be sure to scroll through the entire list so you don’t miss any of our new award-winners! All the items you see below won a Mom’s Choice Award during January 26, 2025, to February 01, 2025.

Every week companies, inventors, and publishers from around the world send us their products for evaluation. Only the best earn our designation.

Award-Winning Children's book — You Are So Loved; Unfailing, Faithful Love

You Are So Loved; Unfailing, Faithful Love
Written by Natalie James; Illustrated by Noor Zaki

A perfect, unfailing, faithful love.

You Are SO Loved provides hope to all children. It nurtures and strengthens confidence in every child who reads it. No matter what they do, see, hear, or experience, God will always be present, and will love them forever.

They will:

Gain understanding of God’s unfailing love for them.
Feel loved beyond measure.
Understand the truth of who they are and how precious they are.
Learn to build a genuine friendship with God and understand that we place our value on how deeply God loves us and on who He says we are, not on what the world says.
God put a bright rainbow in the sky to remind us all of His promises. Genesis 9:11-17

Children’s Picture Books:
Religion & Spirituality

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Where’s Winston?
Written by Written by Artie Knapp – Illustrated by Guy Hobbs; Illustrated by Guy Hobbs

From the prolific pen of Artie Knapp and illustrated by celebrated wildlife artist Guy Hobbs, “Where’s Winston?” is the story of a flock of geese known as Troop 408. When tested to honor a tradition of unity, see what happens when a member of the flock breaks code during migration.

Children’s Picture Books:
Bedtime Stories

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Award-Winning Children's book — Where's Winston?
Award-Winning Children's book — Peace Protection

Peace Protection: Photographic Reflections
Written by kay Jantzi; Illustrated by Karen McDiarmid; Edited by Liz Tolsma

Kay invites her readers to embark on a peace journey through the pages of Peace Protection; a Gift Book designed to lift the reader into the presence of God, and experience His gift of divine peace in a distraught world. In God’s economy, peace is our protection, and a powerful weapon of warfare, to fight off our unforgiving spirit, anxiety, divisiveness and strongholds. Have you ever pondered how His gift of peace protects us and what it protects us from? How do we find it, attain it and experience it? This theme runs throughout the pages of Peace Protection and you won’t want to be without this book on your shelves, and on your coffee tables for quick reference, inspiration and encouragement for the days ahead.

God’s awesome covenant of peace carrying the assurance of His presence, His blessing and His protection over Jerusalem is still relevant and very real for us today in this moment of time. It can be yours. Find out how!

Adult Books:
Inspirational / Motivational

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New Beginning: Better Than This
Written by Liz Kulp; Illustrated by Jodee Kulp

Chapter 1 – FREE TO EVERYONE! Dear World,My name is Liz Kulp, any woman who can have a baby is very blessed. My birth mother was blessed to have me. She was a single mom, who drank wine and vodka – not by the gallon. We don’t know how much. But her life choices became my life. And my life is not the life you want for any of our future beautiful children. There are a lot of things that can create a secret most people don’t see when they meet me. They don’t know that I understand every third or fourth word of a conversation. People think I know what they are saying. Some of it I do and some I don’t, and then later I have to figure it all out on my own—that is overwhelming. Perhaps you say I should just say I don’t understand. I have tried that, and what happens when I do, people begin to use more words, and they add to my confusion. Or they slow down their speech as if I have no brain and treat me like a child. If I trust you, I will tell you I need more information, but I have found over the years that people with high intelligence get frustrated when they try to help me, so I remain quiet. Note, I am a differently intelligent person, and I hope you will find value in the way my brain works. In fact, some of how I see the world may be a gift to you.

Adult Books:

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Award-Winning Children's book — New Beginning
Award-Winning Children's book — Mary the Missionary

Mary the Missionary: A Kenya Adventure
Written by Yvonne M Morgan; Illustrated by Jack Foster

Are you ready for an adventure in Kenya? After singing “Jesus Loves the Little Children” in Sunday School, Mary has many questions about children in other countries. When her parents learn about a mission trip to Kenya, they decided to experience another culture as a family. Mary encounters many trials on her Kenyan adventure. In the end, she learns that she and her new friends aren’t different, and Jesus loves all children.

Through colorful illustrations and engaging storytelling, “Mary the Missionary” teaches important lessons about acceptance, empathy, and love. As Mary meets children from different cultures and backgrounds, she learns to see the world through their eyes and understand the unique challenges they face. Along the way, she also discovers the unifying power of faith and how it transcends all barriers.

Juvenile Books (Level 1 – Ages 5 to 8):
Religion & Spirituality

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Etta and Friends

One of the most popular plush from GIFFA, Etta the Elephant, has expanded her circle of friends. Each member of the Etta and Friends collection is made with the same soft fabrics, stuffings and styles that provide a tactile feel that any child is sure to love. Etta’s new friends are:
Bert the Bear = 10″ and 16″
Bernice the Bunny = 10″ and 16″
Harry the Highland Cow = 10″ and 16″
Dougie the Dino = 10″ and 16″
Felix the Fox = 10″ and 16″
Eva the Unicorn = 10″ and 16″
Gigi the Giraffe = 10″ 16″ and 26″
Etta the Elephant = 10″, 16″ and 26″
$16.99 – $69.99 (based on sizes)
Buy them all as a family or indiviudally.

Toys, Games & Puzzles:

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Award-Winning Children's book — Etta and Friends

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