Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Maygon Lucart

Mom’s Choice Awards is excited to announce another post in our interview series where we chat with the inventors, designers, publishers, and others behind some of our favorite family-friendly products.

Welcome, Mom’s Choice readers! Today we have with us author Maygon Lucart, whose first book, The Fancy Flamingo, recently won a Gold Mom’s Choice Award! This children’s picture book—about a flamingo who enjoys being different from her friends—tells how the colorful bird is encouraged to embrace who she is by learning it’s okay to stand out and be herself. A favorite with preschoolers through elementary grades, this heartwarming tale about uniqueness and individuality makes it ideal for young readers.

MCA: Maygon, to start off today’s session won’t you tell us something about yourself?

Born and raised in Texas, I have a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Psychology, attended a Master’s of Clinical Psychology program soon after, and spent my time understanding, learning, and working in the human behavior field. While I absolutely loved and was intrigued by the study of the mind, mental processes, and one’s way of acting, something was missing and it was time for a change.

I began focusing quite a bit of my free time on reading and writing after getting married, having a daughter, and becoming a stay-at-home mom. I have always had an overwhelming love for books and as a little girl grew up with a strong desire to read and write. While daily in the mother role, my aspiration and eagerness to be more involved in the reading and writing industry blossomed the more I read with my daughter—and I made it my purpose to write my first children’s book!

I am so happy that I made the time to accomplish something I love so very much. I also thoroughly enjoy traveling and spending time with my family, and I am a huge bookworm! There’s nothing better than beautiful, relaxing scenery, a good book, and a big glass of iced tea!

MCA: What inspired you to become a writer?

Being an author has always been a goal of mine. My love of reading started with my grandmother, went on to my aunt and mother, and was passed on to me. In school, English was always my favorite subject and so I busied myself with all the extracurriculars that involved reading or writing. The many people throughout my life, including educators and family, have definitely influenced my writing and my writing style.

MCA: What do you hope readers will take away from your book?

From this particular book, The Fancy Flamingo, I hope readers can be encouraged to accept themselves for who they are, no matter how different they may be from others. God says you are chosen, brave, unique, strong, worthy, and loved! Having the courage to be you is the most beautiful thing, even if it means you will stand out. And I also hope they can feel the passion behind my writing, that the illustrations allow your mind to escape to a fun and vibrant beach setting, and that it overall puts a smile on your face and a love of reading in your life.

MCA: What do you find most rewarding—and the most challenging—about the writing process?

I love to see where my mind can go, what it can make up or think of. Particularly with children’s books, I really enjoy how it challenges me to use my imagination while making sure the story line teaches some type of important lesson for kids. I would say the most challenging has been pushing myself out of my comfort zone. While I absolutely love what I do, being an author is so much more than writing a story, having it illustrated, and printing a book. Being in the public eye, marketing myself, reading my book to large crowds, answering questions in front of an audience, and thinking up my next book have all been things I find challenging from time to time. However, these things only push me and encourage me that much more!

MCA: How does your book contribute to family–friendly values or enhance readers’ lives?

My book promotes family-friendly values by providing young minds with an uplifting message. Self-acceptance and individuality play a huge role in every young child’s life. Adolescent boys and girls are, almost daily, learning and discovering new things about themselves, and my book helps encourage readers, young and old, to embrace who they are. When we are self-accepting, we learn to accept and appreciate every part of ourselves, not just the “positive” things! And then we can begin to understand how to show up and believe in ourselves once we are no longer discouraged by our differences.

MCA: Can you share any memorable feedback from readers?

Overall, the feedback from teachers, reviewers, parents, readers, and fellow authors has been positive! I love hearing how my book made someone smile, laugh, or encouraged them to finally accept their differences and love who they are. I would say besides the continuous question from others asking if I will be writing a second book, my most memorable moments have been sharing my book in a school classroom. Whether with a kindergarten class or a cafeteria filled with third, fourth, and fifth graders, when a child laughs, smiles, or tells me my book has given them the desire and courage to write a book someday, I can’t help but think I am where I am supposed to be. Most of all, if my book can lead someone, whether adult or child, to have a personal relationship with God, then I can truly say without a doubt that my writing most certainly achieved the grandest reward of all.

MCA: What a positive response! Tell us: What advice would you give to aspiring authors who are just starting their writing journey?

Don’t give up, put in the work, and believe in yourself! Because maybe the path that scares you the most is the path whereby God will lead you to something great!

MCA: Do you have any plans for future books?

The future will definitely involve another book! I have had so many people wanting a sequel to The Fancy Flamingo, so I am hoping to make that happen sometime soon! As for other books, a definite yes! My job as an author is not done and I plan to continue doing what I love!

MCA: Maygon, we certainly wish you all the best as you continue with your new love—writing!

You can learn more about Allen Brokken and his award-winning book, “The Fancy Flamingo,” by visiting his MCA Shop page.

Interview With Yvonne M Morgan

4 Comments on “Interview with Mom’s Choice Award-Winner Maygon Lucart”

  1. Stay at home, homeschooling mom here. This is so inspirational and wonderful what you are doing! Keep it up!

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