In an interview with our multiple Mom’s Choice Award-Winning author Nancy Gee, we get to hear not only about her background and goals in her career and community, but a special Contest that she is running in conjunction with Stone Soup magazine. We are honored to be able to sit down and hear more! Read More
Why I Take My Kids with Me to Vote
I bring my kids to the polls because it’s important for them to see words and convictions put into action. I am intentional about instilling kindness, compassion, and a sense of justice in my kids every single day. Our job is to make the world a better place. Read More
Just in Time For Back To School Season: Hilarious First Day Photos For Your Enjoyment
For those kids, sitting in front of your perfectly chalkboard-lettered signs pretending to be excited for the end of their carefree days is just too much to bear. Thankfully, many of those children’s moms snap the photo anyway… and share away, for all of us to see. Whether they’re in preschool or highschool, sometimes it’s just plain hard to go back to responsibility. Read More
Teacher Writes Tearjerking Letter to Kids Who Won’t Be Entering Kindergarten This Year
In the middle of all of the excitement and hustle, however, it’s easy to forget that there are people who are genuinely hurting at the beginning of this new school year: nobody more than parents who have lost children. As they watch their peers’ children (and even their deceased children’s friends) grow another year older and enter into a new grade, it is insanely painful to deal with the fact that their own won’t be joining them. Read More
Strangers on Plane Hand Hundreds of Dollars to Teacher at a Low-Income School
Bermudez shares that she saw a $100 bill on top and immediately began to cry, promising him that she will make good use of the money, buying her students books and giving back to their community. When she got home later that evening and finally counted the money, she realized that this man gave her $500. Read More
10 Reasons to Show the Library Some Love This Summer
Okay. We’re about halfway through summer, so there’s a really good chance you’re tired. Tired of the heat. Tired of the house-sized bugs (Oh, is that just Houston?), and probably tired of the fighting. These are all perfect reasons to show your local library some love this summer. Read More
Interview with Nir Kessler, Founder and Owner of Akibabus Ltd
Boxitale™ is a new experience. We say ‘Play the Story’ and that’s exactly what it is. It’s a playable story that kids become part of. It’s not just a game. It’s a story driven integration between a board game and an app. Kids become invested in the stories. They are able to continue the story and then they can integrate what they done while playing the game into the story and take it further. Read More
Teacher’s “Summer Packet” Includes No Homework at All, and We Love It
Many times, especially in higher grade levels, students receive lists of things they need to accomplish before the next school year begins: summer reading lists, math drills and worksheets, and more. It can destroy the purpose of a summer break, which should be rest and rejuvenation for kids who work hard and learn so much throughout the school year. Read More
Two Men are Doing Their Part to Eradicate “Book Deserts” in Low Income Areas
“Book deserts are found in high-poverty areas in both urban and rural settings,” Marshall told Babble. “An inability to access books is extremely problematic because it creates a vicious cycle of educational disparities related to access, resources and outcomes. Read More
94% of Teachers Spend Their Own Money on Classroom Supplies
This might not sound like a lot of money for some, but taking into account that school teachers earn less than the average college graduate, are often not given cost of living raises (and, because of inflation, their income has actually gone down the last 15 years), and have to teach more children with less resources every year, it is a lot. Read More